Agenda/Proxy & Zoom Link

December 18th @ 4pm

Here is a link for the Agenda/Proxy for the FBH 2020 Annual Meeting:

If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to cast your vote for our new slate of directors, please download, complete & sign the Agenda/Proxy, and either scan and email it to us, or drop it in the mail: Friends of Barnstable Harbor, PO Box 248, Barnstable, MA 02630

Here’s the Zoom Link for the Annual Meeting on December 18th @ 4pm:

Dec 18, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 935 4015 5016

If don’t already have the Zoom app on your computer, tablet, or phone, please visit to download the app. Once the app is on your device, click the link above and you will be able to join the Friends of Barnstable Harbor 2020 Annual Meeting on Zoom.

Below is the new Mission Statement that we will vote to adopt at the Annual Meeting:

Friends of Barnstable Harbor is a nonprofit all-volunteer organization whose mission is uniting the harbor community in the preservation and protection of Barnstable Harbor, ensuring that future generations will continue to enjoy the bounty and beauty of its waters, marshes, and beaches.

FBH 2020 Annual Meeting

And the minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting, download to review:

FBH 2020 Annual Meeting